Thursday 1 August 2019

Am i worth it?

Potential cost of a rescue Samoyed

As an adoptive parent you become responsible for your Samoyeds welfare to the best of your ability. Perhaps if you understood the cost of an animal before it gets to a point of adoption you might reconsider the thought of its destruction over veterinary care.

It is unlikely that you would receive a history for a Samoyed, as when one comes into rescue it has a new life and sometimes its better that you don’t know its past, or indeed if it were a street dog you wouldn’t know its history anyway.

It is common for the Samoyed dog in china to be breed for the Yulin dog meat Festival, fortunately there are organisations currently rescuing dogs from the meat farms (500 from one rescue alone to date) and the barbaric conditions that they are held in and shipping them to America or back to Britain, where we are a supposed nation of Dog lovers.

So here is the first scenario of cost from China to the UK.

The dog can be bought quite cheaply – probably £15.00

Cost of shipping min £1500.00 from China to the USA

Quarantine 180 day programme. £600.00

Vet inspection and associated jabs. £260.00

Neutering (male). £180.00

Feeding for the above duration – min £400.00

Provision of UK passport. £150.00

Shipping to UK. £1500.00

Clearing customs. £400.00

Re-education of the farmer to traditional methods and crops - closing down the dog trade - rehoming dogs of other breeds - Priceless.

By the time this animal gets to a foster home in the UK it could have cost the rescue upward of £5000.00.

You as an adoptive parent will not be privy to this history nor have knowledge of this cost nor the additional cost of feeding and welfare in its foster home for 6 weeks.

So, at the point when you go to look to adopt a Sammy it has the potential to have had over £5k spent on it.

The rescue will ask for a voluntary contribution £200.00 – £350.00 [£500.00 if from China] (which nowhere near covers this cost) which of course you will baulk at, after all you are offering a free home for it. You begrudgingly pay for dog – expect free veterinary care, bedding toys etc.

Adoptive parent takes dog home, treats it well and lovingly for a many years, dog trips down rabbit hole breaks leg, or gets major kidney infection, Vets want £3000.00 to repair – fuck that, parent exclaims, that’s a lot of dog food, put it down and I will get another..

Let’s add one final scenario.

Rescue hears that dog is to be put down, steps in, pays vet bill and takes dog back into rescue, you now have the potential to be adopting an £8000.00 dog – but you won’t know this.

This rescue is not extreme and in fact quite common

...and finally - I give you an extreme case of Nellie.
Take all of the above costs from China to England, now add surgery/medication/hospitalisation for extremely burned, tortured, heavily pregnant and injured dog - this girl has cost more than you can possibly imagine and there is nothing her parents wouldn't do or pay for the welfare for this treasure.

We are Samoyed people and a Samoyed is for life

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