Thursday, 1 August 2019

Am i worth it?

Potential cost of a rescue Samoyed

As an adoptive parent you become responsible for your Samoyeds welfare to the best of your ability. Perhaps if you understood the cost of an animal before it gets to a point of adoption you might reconsider the thought of its destruction over veterinary care.

It is unlikely that you would receive a history for a Samoyed, as when one comes into rescue it has a new life and sometimes its better that you don’t know its past, or indeed if it were a street dog you wouldn’t know its history anyway.

It is common for the Samoyed dog in china to be breed for the Yulin dog meat Festival, fortunately there are organisations currently rescuing dogs from the meat farms (500 from one rescue alone to date) and the barbaric conditions that they are held in and shipping them to America or back to Britain, where we are a supposed nation of Dog lovers.

So here is the first scenario of cost from China to the UK.

The dog can be bought quite cheaply – probably £15.00

Cost of shipping min £1500.00 from China to the USA

Quarantine 180 day programme. £600.00

Vet inspection and associated jabs. £260.00

Neutering (male). £180.00

Feeding for the above duration – min £400.00

Provision of UK passport. £150.00

Shipping to UK. £1500.00

Clearing customs. £400.00

Re-education of the farmer to traditional methods and crops - closing down the dog trade - rehoming dogs of other breeds - Priceless.

By the time this animal gets to a foster home in the UK it could have cost the rescue upward of £5000.00.

You as an adoptive parent will not be privy to this history nor have knowledge of this cost nor the additional cost of feeding and welfare in its foster home for 6 weeks.

So, at the point when you go to look to adopt a Sammy it has the potential to have had over £5k spent on it.

The rescue will ask for a voluntary contribution £200.00 – £350.00 [£500.00 if from China] (which nowhere near covers this cost) which of course you will baulk at, after all you are offering a free home for it. You begrudgingly pay for dog – expect free veterinary care, bedding toys etc.

Adoptive parent takes dog home, treats it well and lovingly for a many years, dog trips down rabbit hole breaks leg, or gets major kidney infection, Vets want £3000.00 to repair – fuck that, parent exclaims, that’s a lot of dog food, put it down and I will get another..

Let’s add one final scenario.

Rescue hears that dog is to be put down, steps in, pays vet bill and takes dog back into rescue, you now have the potential to be adopting an £8000.00 dog – but you won’t know this.

This rescue is not extreme and in fact quite common

...and finally - I give you an extreme case of Nellie.
Take all of the above costs from China to England, now add surgery/medication/hospitalisation for extremely burned, tortured, heavily pregnant and injured dog - this girl has cost more than you can possibly imagine and there is nothing her parents wouldn't do or pay for the welfare for this treasure.

We are Samoyed people and a Samoyed is for life

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

The Black Samoyed

Sometimes, they still are mentioned – black Samoyeds! Julius Wipfel talked about them in his book „The Eurasier“ and correctly identified the selection for white coat colour as one reason for the loss of many original traits in the breed. From time to time pictures of these non-white dogs still appear on Facebook or forums and one question is raised almost every time: do they still exist? And, if not, would it be possible to get them back by selection within the breed alone? The answer to both questions, of course, is a decisive “no”. In the Eurasier breed, the black coat colour was brought in by the Samoyed Cito vom Pol, all of his direct offspring out of seven litters were black! So, why aren’t there black purebred Samoyeds, anymore?

The actual era of the black Samoyed in Great Britain only lasted for four generations, the last black Samoyed was born even before world war one. Since then, they have disappeared completely and without outcrossing to another breed (or a very unlikely mutation) they’ll never come back.

It started with Sabarka, a dog originating from the area of Archangelsk in European Russia and brought to England in 1889 by Ernest Kilburn-Scott. Sabarka’s coat colour wasn’t white, but solid brown - liver, as we’d call it in the Eurasier - with a few white spots and if you ever paid attention to colour genetics, you’ll know that his basic coat colour, therefore, was black. It’s impossible to determine whether he was a dominant or recessive black dog, both forms seem to be present in the gene pool of present-day Samoyeds. Sabarka was mated to Whitey Petchora; she was genetically white even though you wouldn’t guess from seeing her picture; today her coat colour would probably be called “biscuit”. This mating produced two dogs that were important for the development of the breed – the white Neva and the black Peter the Great. This litter proves that Sabarka was a carrier for white, his genotype at the E-locus was E/e. Whitey Petchora’s genotype was e/e, same as Neva’s. Peter the Great had the genotype E/e (and B/b, but that’s irrelevant here) and he was used for breeding. His son Pedro, too, was black, but as his dam Alaska was white (e/e), he also was heterozygous for white. Two sons and one daughter – Am. Ch. Tamara (pictured above) – continued his line to the present day, you’ll find them in the pedigree of every living Samoyed, but unfortunately, all three were white, genotype e/e. As they were bred solely to white dogs, the black coat colour in the Samoyed was therefore extinct in the breed. Pedro did have some black offspring, but I don’t know if they were ever used for breeding. If they were, their lines went extinct quickly.

Beneath its white coat, the Samoyed still has some variation in coat colour left. And so, in hindsight, Cito’s black offspring wasn’t a surprise at all – he was homozygous for dominant black, KB/KB, but for recessive black, too, genotype a/a. All that was needed to bring the black coat colour back to the light was a working Mc1-receptor.  Whether the b-allele is still present in the Samoyed is questionable, but there is a slight possibility.
So the explanation for the complete disappearance of all colours but white in the Samoyed breed is actually quite simple – Samoyeds don’t have any working Mc1-receptors left in the breed. Getting rid of a dominant trait is easily done, especially if breeders actively select against this trait.

There’s only one way to get the black Samoyed back – the E-allele has to be reintroduced into the breed, which is only possible by crossbreeding.

One more thing - many Samoyeds have a few black hairs or even patches. These are due to somatic mutations which are not heritable at all (you'd need a mutation in germline cells for that), so breeding Samoyeds with black patches will not bring back black Samoyeds.

Credit to for this article

Samoyeds in America

The first American Samoyed was imported from Russia and was registered with the American Kennel Club in 1906. However, the breed did not flourish in the United States until after World War I.

Most American Samoyeds descend from kennels in England. However, breeders have recently began introducing dogs from Finnish and Swedish lines.
Strangely, most Americans refuse to believe that there was ever such a thing as a Black Samoyed - Ironic since one of their first Samoyeds was Sergovitch (1911) 166534 (AKC166534 1913 v30 white) Born from Koona, who herself was the offspring of Pedro (Black Peters son - [Peter the Great]) and Sasha out of [Sergo x Ali]